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Superseal - Skratchy Seal 12" Pink Vinyl

$ 30.00

Product Details

Skratchy's second record! This simple masterpiece made skratch DJ history by taking the bonus skipless track idea from Sealed Breaks and duplicating that for 12 tracks of the top favorite sounds every skratcher loves to play with! Feel skip freedom while practicing, recording and performing especially if the tables are in a wobbly environment. Never worry about people jumping on stage, and unstable tables, or a wild skratch hand! Just let your creativeness flow by eliminating the stress of skipping, and promoting a faster progression towards your own awesome skratch style! Also includes a side with different tempo beats to play on. This by far is the best selling skratch-break record of all time and can be found on the tables of all the best skratchers today! It is known that this record has the best sounding “aah” & “fresh” on any skratch-break record!

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